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Observability for Foyle

What You’ll Learn

How to use OpenTelemetry and Logging to monitor Foyle.

Configure Honeycomb

To configure Foyle to use Honeycomb as a backend you just need to set the telemetry.honeycomb.apiKeyFile configuration option to the path of a file containing your Honeycomb API key.

foyle config set telemetry.honeycomb.apiKeyFile = /path/to/apikey

Google Cloud Logging

If you are running Foyle locally but want to stream logs to Cloud Logging you can edit the logging stanza in your config as follows:

    - json: true
      path: gcplogs:///projects/${PROJECT}/logs/foyle     

Remember to substitute in your actual project for ${PROJECT}.

In the Google Cloud Console you can find the logs using the query

logName = "projects/${PROJECT}/logs/foyle"

While Foyle logs to JSON files, Google Cloud Logging is convenient for querying and viewing your logs.

Logging to Standard Error

If you want to log to standard error you can set the logging stanza in your config as follows:

    - json: false
      path: stderr     

1 - Monitoring Foyle With Honeycomb

How to monitor Foyle with Honeycomb

What You’ll Learn

  • How to use Opentelemetry and Honeycomb To Monitor Foyle


Configure Foyle To Use Honeycomb

foyle config set telemetry.honeycomb.apiKeyFile = /path/to/apikey

Download Honeycomb CLI

  • hccli is an unoffical CLI for Honeycomb.
  • It is being developed to support using Honeycomb with Foyle.
TAG=$(curl -s | jq -r '.tag_name')
# Remove the leading v because its not part of the binary name
OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ARCH=$(uname -m)
echo latest tag is $TAG
echo OS is $OS
echo Arch is $ARCH
echo Downloading $LINK
wget $LINK -O /tmp/hccli

Move the hccli binary to a directory in your PATH.

chmod a+rx /tmp/hccli
sudo mv /tmp/hccli /tmp/hccli

On Darwin set the execute permission on the binary.

sudo xattr -d /usr/local/bin/hccli

Configure Honeycomb

  • In order for hccli to generate links to the Honeycomb UI it needs to know base URL of your environment.
  • You can get this by looking at the URL in your browser when you are logged into Honeycomb.
  • It is typically somethling like${TEAM}/environments/${ENVIRONMENT}
  • You can set the base URL in your config
hccli config set baseURL=${TEAM}/environments/${ENVIRONMENT}/
  • You can check your configuration by running the get command
hccli config get

Measure Acceptance Rate

  • To measure the utility of Foyle we can look at how often Foyle suggestions are accepted
  • When a suggestion is accepted we send a LogEvent of type ACCEPTED
  • This creates an OTEL trace with a span with name LogEvent and attribute eventType == ACCEPTED
  • We can use the query below to calculate the acceptance rate
  "calculations": [
    {"op": "COUNT", "alias": "Event_Count"}
  "filters": [
    {"column": "name", "op": "=", "value": "LogEvent"},
    {"column": "eventType", "op": "=", "value": "ACCEPTED"}
  "time_range": 86400,
  "order_by": [{"op": "COUNT", "order": "descending"}]

hccli querytourl --dataset foyle --query "$QUERY" --open

Token Count Usage

  • The cost of LLMs depends on the number of input and output tokens
  • You can use the query below to look at token usage
  "calculations": [
    {"op": "COUNT", "alias": "LLM_Calls_Per_Cell"},
    {"op": "SUM", "column": "llm.input_tokens", "alias": "Input_Tokens_Per_Cell"},
    {"op": "SUM", "column": "llm.output_tokens", "alias": "Output_Tokens_Per_Cell"}
  "filters": [
    {"column": "name", "op": "=", "value": "Complete"}
  "breakdowns": ["trace.trace_id"],
  "time_range": 86400,
  "order_by": [{"op": "COUNT", "order": "descending"}]

hccli querytourl --dataset foyle --query "$QUERY" --open